Summer Ends, New Session Begins
Saturday, August 19, 2006
ALL should now be posting on Shuffle Alliance (including me. This Blog will now morph into an active "window" into what's going at HarlemLive amongst the team, newsroom and other activities and an active newsletter to our audience with more pics and video. Responsibilty can rotate on weekly basis for updating it amongst an HL EXEC Committee member and other. It will also highlight blogs posted and some writing on the Shuffle blog (Team Shuffle Alliance was winner of this year's Summer Youth Media Challenge - story posted soon. And HL'ers, that's the point the "audience" for this blog will now just be the audience and the Shuffle Alliance blog will kick off the tradition of being the "internal" blog with just those at HarlemLive the intended audience. Best Blogs from yesterday's pizza partyKuamel: A yo its ya boy melo. whats good. I've been appointed an exceutive journalist at HL. Tahts whassup. I'm ready to make changes here at HL. There alot of things I want to accomplish here at HL. I hope we can progress as an organization. I wanna give a shout to my boy Cat. Doin his thing. BUt yeah I really hope we could do big things. One. FROM SESHAT: Hey it's Seshat . .. congratulations shuffle for winning . . .all those pleasantries . . .on to the good stuff . . . IT'S THE 2006 FALL SEASON OF HARLEMLIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . . . be afraid . . . . .be VERY afraid . . .HarlemLIVE is gonna be busy, and we're gonna make it happen. (Don't worry about what "it" is . . . . just be aware that "it" will happen.) I'm your new managing editor and one of the journalism editors . . . . and your unofficial choreboard person . . *sigh* Just do it so I don't have to make you. I don't like that. Anyway, summer is almost gone, school's starting soon, good luck to all the seniors, and definitely the juniors . . .it's your year, all that good stuff. Hey, maybe I can do an article . . "The Top Ten Lies They Tell You In High School" . . .1. "We care about your future." 2. "You will have enough time to get to class before the bell rings." . . . .so on and so forth. . . . . hmmmmmm . . . .anyway, I'm brimming with ideas, as are Diamond, Kuamel, and Rhonesha. So, HarlemLIVE, lets bring "IT" Don't need to say who this is from :) : Errybody Wat It do!! Im happy to report that shuffle alliance won the competition and took home the gold. I got my chip, and im even happier about that. But We chillin, I gott give it up to everybody for their performance on the competition cuz we all did our thing. I love the comradery again, like I said in my speech last night. I hope that the audience enjoyed the presentation last night because we all did our best to do a good job. Ima keep it short and sweet and say that I enjoyed the whole experience. And I hope to keep everybody here, and chillin, and lets keep it movin'. IT'S THE ROC!!!! and Shelise: Hardwork pays off.I never thought that was ever true until last night.I'm so happy that my team won because we really deserved it.We worked the hardest out of all the teams.Im happy for myself too because I was the star of the show and I won the most prizes.YAY.This is my first challenge and I won!!Im taking it all next year and there's nothing stopping me!
posted by Rich @ 8/19/2006 12:06:00 PM
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Heh Folks. Great Summer Program!!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Lots of ideas for the coming year already and it would only require HS seniors to comien in 2 to 3 days per month .. if that's not too much to handle. But need to hold a couple meetings just to discuss everything. The committee consists of: Seshat Mack | Kevin Williams | Kareem Smith | Jonny Alarcon | Rhonesha Byng | Diamond Bradley | Shelise Roberts | Kuamel Stewart | Aleah McGaney | Raynale Todman | Leon Pryer | |
Did i forget someone? Everyone should now post on Shuffle Alliance Blog (makes sense, Shuffle.. Alliance.. the teams are all shuffled now and they are all aligned :) Anyway, Shelise, make sure your team invites all HL members abored your page. More to come. Great work everyone, really. Pizza Party at 4PM Friday at HL. We need everyone's decision on what prizez they want (Computer, Six Flags, Sailing Trip). We need to know!! and keep doing those stories. But mostly, enjoy the rest of the summer. Rich
posted by Rich @ 8/17/2006 11:02:00 PM
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Friday, August 11, 2006
THIS SAME BLOG IS BEING UPDATED AND KEPT ON TOP AS WE ARE IN LAST WEEK. READ! Blog of Day Listed Below: Today, "Gabby", Joc's Last Days STEVIE, ALEAH and LEON: Finish/Practice Slideshows Kareem: Purchase Products for Award Ceremony Ushers and Sign In Table folks get to ABC no later than 630PM! Thursday Aug 17th - Only folks practicing for ceremony at HL. Others, stay home, get dressed and ready for the ceremony. SYEP folks can sign their papers at the ceremony.
- Ready videos. Award Ceremony at ABC Studios
149 Columbus at 67th Street, 6:30 PM
Friday Aug 18th - After party (come to HL at 4PM)
Sat/Sun Aug 19th-20th - HarlemWeek continues. Go out and get more STORIES.. (HL CONTINUES DOING WHAT WE DO!!)
Monday Aug 21st - Great Adventure for winning team. Be at HL at 8AM!
Wednesday, Blog of Day: GabbyWOw what a day for Team Joc! I went to HL EARLYYYYYYYYY today to help clean up the kitchen for todays challenge. Team Joc for the challenge had to clean the kitchen! I think Team Joc reallt worked hard to clean that kitchen. And when I say that kitchen was dirty, it was DIRTY! With the $50 we got from the challenge, we spent $40, but it was all worth it! We got a lot of new stuff for the kitchen such as new sponges, dish rages, paper towel ring, a bathroom set, and some candy for people in HL to snack on! I hope we win that challenge. Looking back on this summer and thinking about Team Joc I think about our ups and downs and how that reflected our presentation on Tuesday. Rich will not tell us the winner, but thats ok but we are all anxious to know who the winner is! But i hope Joc does win beacuse we have had so many lows that a win would make the summer not so bad after all. But if we dont win I'll still be happy because in these past 2 weeks Joc has put in alot of work. I jus hope our presentation reflects that. Tomorrow we will see tho. Good luck to my team! And Tanisha....we will not forget about you. You are like a sister to me now. I wish her all the best of luck in college! Blog of the Day Tuesday:PRESENTATIONS, PRESENTATIONS We just finished doing our presentations at Columbia University. It was my first time going to the University, so it was pretty nice. While walking through the hallways I felt like I were a college student. Anyway, enough about the presentaion was so scary. I was so nervous to even through the double doors. My team weren't as prepared as we could of been but it turned out o.k. I actually enjoyed the presentations. I honestly thought the judges were going to uptight but they were very cool. I enjoyed the whole college setting. It gave me insight on what college life and setting would be...LOOK OUT COLLEGE LIFE , JAQUANA IS OONNN HER WAY!!!!!
posted by Rich @ 8/11/2006 04:05:00 PM
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Goofs to Joc and Anonymous. No blogs. By default BOD goes to Shuffle
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Also folks, START MAKING CaLLS to get invited folks to The CerEMONY PLEASE SCROLL DOWN for SCHEDULE Today Was A Lesson Learned (jonny?) I had an argument with one of my teammates and once again I embarrased myself inorder for people to hear what I have to say.Though I went through embarrasment I don't regret a thing I said and kinda wished Kamal would have never grabbed me because I had more to tell.One thing im concerned about is having the staff feel that they can't talk to me without blowing up.So I hope everyone can understand that they can come to me whenever they want and once I recieve respect, I will definitly give double in return.But when I feel that respect is not given to me there's no way i'll give it back.I learned from Chris F. that I should never hold in my anger because sooner or later i'll let it all out at once.I plan to learn from this day and hope that i'll never have to act like that.The people here are like my family and i've never felt the love I get from here anywhere else.Not even from my own flesh and blood.I spend all the time I have here.This is now my home and no one is going to take that away from me.Not even myself!
posted by Rich @ 8/10/2006 01:09:00 AM
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Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Meeting at 12:45 PM!! HL Will be open all weekend to meet the challenges. Points for coming through for all teams. Torin / Chris / Aisha to Film Presentations. LAST WEEK POINT CHALLENGES and other ITEMS: 1. Award Attendance. There's a BIG twist to this. Designate your teams' pics to find out more on Wednesday. 2. Flier Challenge (in progress) 3. Flier Video Challenge (funniest video, an HL tradition) 4. Columbia Presentation, on Tuesday (Monday night critiques) 5. Who do you thing should be EIC, Web Editor, Managing Editor, Video Editor, Lead Writer, Tech/Systems, etc 6. PLUS ALL THE STORIES and VIDEOS ........Let's say something serioius. 7. Surprise Wednesday contest (day before ceremony) See calendar ( Friday Aug 11th: - Anonymous will tape at HL on Sunday instead not ready for MNN
- Flier contest: Shuffle tapes Joc
Saturday - 4PM Shuffle tapes TV Broadcast at MNN
- Edit Videos, Go on Stories
Sunday - Teams practice, edit, write or relax :)
- Anonymous uses HL as studio for TV show in lieu of not going to MNN
Monday Aug 14th - Presentation Mondays: Run thru for Tuesday
- Finish editing videos
- Finish stories
- Practice for Ceremony
Tuesday Aug 15th - Presentations at Columbia University
Wednesday Aug 16th
- Resumes and College Essays Due
- Last day challenge
Thursday Aug 17th - Award Ceremony at ABC Studios
- 149 Columbus at 67th Street, 6:30 PM
We need folks in charge of :
posted by Rich @ 8/08/2006 10:22:00 PM
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Blog of the Day from Team Joc
Today is MONDAY!!!!! And today Team Joc did our taping at MNN. The taping went very well. Ranesha and Teaisha were anchors for the show. They were able to do two run throughs of the show which was really good. This way when the video is edited there will be alot of video to edit from. The anchors for our show did really too! The rest of my team was able to view the show from the control room! Mw personaly I thought I was pretty intrestingto see the control room and the different things used to run a show. In a way it was insightful due to seeing how things work. The control room had a vibe that was serious, but humor was still evident. We werre glad to finish the show, and afterwards we went to BET. There we were able to schedule another story. I also saw Rick Ross who we wanted to take a picture of to get more points. And once again our folder went missing which sucks and is starting to get a little boring. Presentation is tomorrow and I hope it goes better than next week. ut like I said I will keep faith in my team. Team J0c!!
posted by Rich @ 8/08/2006 01:39:00 PM
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Blog of the Day from Shuffle Alliance
Wat It Do Babyy Wat It Do! I took a little break off the bloggin thing but that's only because I was a little busy or whatever. Just gettin used to the new york lifestyle once again. I lost it for a little minute in d.c. but my family gettin me back on track, and im back on track up here. this is raw and unedited so, i dont really care about the capitols or the apostrophe's we just goin raw right now chillin u know, i came back to a lot of new things, new people comin thru to the set a harlemlive, and thats what it do cuz we need more people. especially those thats close to the site cuz im realizin that alot of the people thats here now, producin all of this great work as a unit aint even gonna be here durin the school year. some of us gotta put in all that good work for our teachers and improve our chances of gettin into a better situation in college and hopefully in life too. so whoever comin it gotta hold it down, at least until next summer.... as for the competition, its getting hotter and hotter the more we continue. when i first came back we were down in the competition to second place, and to me, second aint a place. that just mean u aint win babyy, and i wasnt feelin that. but now, and it wasn't cuz of me at all, we back into the lead, and thats only for a little bit of time. i can feel it. hopefully im wrong, but team anonymous is on our asses. they at least a goot 1000 points away. thats too close, we gotta increase that spread to a good 4000 or somethin. that too close for comfort. i also came back to find out that team joc had lost a good amount of their stories, and i was real sorry to hear about somethin like that. thats messed up. now they down in the cellar. but the race is still on, and i know that they still got some good pieces on that team so we can never count them out of the comp. good journalists, and video people, hmmmm, we cant let up babyy, if anything we gotta push harder. but for now i gotta sign out, get back to hardly workin, and maybe eat somethin. gotta continue my get fat diet babyy. but im out..... IT'S THE ROC!!!!
posted by Rich @ 8/08/2006 01:36:00 PM
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new stuff up finally
Hey.... No one said we still couldn't post on this blog..... I just finished looking at the HL story is down (tear tear) but some other good stuff is up which is great... But Team annonymous....why did you do that to Pharrell??????? In your hate crimes should have picked someone else for that part, not Pharrell! *Rhonesha
posted by NESHA @ 8/08/2006 01:12:00 AM
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Presentations Postponed until Tuesday
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Ateention all HL staff Monday Presentations are postponed until Tuesday due to Team JoC shooting thier television show. Thank you and Have a great day.
posted by Tanner @ 8/06/2006 08:23:00 PM
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The Week Coming and Blogs of the Day (3 Friday, 1 Thursda)
Friday, August 04, 2006
Reminder: Teams are to post 2 100 word minimum blogs per day. Busy Week Coming Up: On Monday, at 10AM the Harlem Arts Alliance monthly meeting is held. This is a great networking oportunity for any "easy to schedule" stories. At least 50 or so organizations and artists are represented (whom go to various PLACES of WORSHIP, have various BUSINESSES, Non Profit Organizations, etc ....
During the week, each team will be taping their 1/2 Hour TV shows. Joc will tape Monday. We were going to give Joc more time for Presentation Monday but realized we'd have to get the same judges to return on the other day. So Joc, after your hectic Monday is done you can spend the rest of the week finishing the mandatory topics to get those bonus points. Another option would be to postpone Monday's presentation for all teams to Tuesday.
The other two teams tape their shows on Friday and Saturday. Also next week is the 500 Flier contest where teams will compete to see who can pass out the number of fliers fastest. Coupled with this competition will be the 'funniest video' competition, a HarlemLIVE tradition. Each team will be video taped by another team and edit the video to create the funniest video to be played at the ceremony. This video is due by Wednesday before the ceremony and is worth 2,500 pts. Teams will also be preparing for their Grand Presentations next Tuesday, the 15th. Next week, students will prepare for their presentations on Tuesday at Columbia, Complete their resume's on Wednesday (including HL roles/tasks/skills) turn in any college essays due from all rising seniors and submit any names of dignataries they've invited and expect to attend the ceremony at ABC STudios at 6:45 PM on August 17th. We must start promptly at 7:05 so don't be late!
Friday's Blog of the Day by Rhonesha..... so that was far as today, I reallt feel like I got a lot done. Yes I know it is supposed to be a team effort but they had done their part already and it was up to me to make it all take form. So, on monday we have a show to tape and no one knew anything about what we were doing and what was going into it, the order the time, the clips NOTHING. so miraCULOUSLY, my friend from the NYU workshop came in and we went to work. first i assigned her a story to be due next monday. then i finished some last minute touches on my EBc housing story and sent it out to a couple of editors. Then me an tekisha looked at what we had to work with for the show, the criteria, etc. We put everything in order picked the clips and photos to go with it, timed every segment out to the LAST SECOND!! amazingly it came out perfectly after the first estimates. We broke it up into different sections and basically we organized the whole show. the only thing left to do is actually write it out which is the easiest part, so we broke it up between us and will be emailing each other back and forth with what we have. I am trying to get out the office right now to get some footage of the COLORS restaurant for a story i did and also some b-roll footage of shouldnt take long but of course its taking long to get people to move. then kamall just wwalked up to me in the middle of me typing this because he wants me to introduce myself to someone who came in who is working on a website....kamall never knows the full story....but thats another thing,. well there are so many typos because i am trying to rush out of here but i will edit them later. ummmm ....people COMMENT ON MY POSTSSSSS. and Rich I am writing you a letter, joc is missing a lot of earned points--like points for creating the new creative section we established for the HL site called HarlemLIVe celebs. well im going to try and look for a tape now because there are supposedly no more, lol....i have to find mine, it's some where. wow all this and i havent slept for 2 days, literally....i was at bryant park at 4 in the morning to see kanye and pharrell in i am really about to crash...... Editor's note: WOW RHONESHA!!
Another Friday Blog of the day by Imani"After all you put me through you'd think I'd depise you. But in the end, I want to thank you, because you made me that much stronger..."-Christina Aguilera. Hey everybody its Nani again, How are you guys doing today? I think there are some things in life that you'd prefer no to remember. There are somethings in your life that you'd prefer not to talk about. The way you react to events in your life show your character. You could sensitive, angry, or hold grudges. I think the best thing to do is remember the horrible memories in your life. Don't talk about it but, remember it. Because it shows your a fighter. It shows that you get stronger ever time your hurt and you come back at what hurt not in a vengeful way but in a spiritual way. And spiritually defeating it.
Yet ANOHTER Friday Blog of the Day by EvelynHey everybody its ya girl Evelyn hittin up Shuffle Alliance my new team message board. Today im not feeling too good. I really don't know why but it seems like the day is going on and some how Im not in it, kinda like Im alone on my own planet. At Harlem Live its very quiet and very creepy. There's not toomany people here today in the team and in general. Today I wanted to do my P.O.S. ( a person on the street) on Beyonce's "Deja Vu" video. My P.O.S is on the video and people thoughts about the video. Some people think that the video doen't make any since and it has no story or theme to it. Me personally I love the song its a very good song but the video in my own words isn't really good. I think the clothing inthe video is over dramatic and the choragrapohy is very bad Thursday's Blog of the day by "Gabby' Ella"O MY...when is this heat weave going to end! This heat wave is really bad. I mean walking is really tiring now and most of all its putting a stop to going out on POS's. But ever since Monday our team has gotten motivated and other than our planned POS's we have been doing a lot better. Rhonesha is back and shes been hard at work n stories. Curtis finished a video!! The video is really hot and I liked it. Aleah got a GREAT interview comming! She booked it today and it should be nice! I left a message for one of my contacts and if I'm able to get that story, I will be passed happy. Overall the team has been working on presentation monday which IS going to be much better than this weeks. Everyone had a say on different ideas and things like that. In all I think TEAM JOC YES TEAM JOC can win again. Im gonna keep faith in my team. I dont care who thinks that dumb because I think sticking by your team members is important! SO Team J0C! Continue doin yall thing!
posted by Rich @ 8/04/2006 10:18:00 PM
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Blog of the day from Team Joc
Thursday, August 03, 2006
HOT HOT HOT.... I finally got back today from my little mini vacation, I did a lot but there is so much that has to be done here. For one thing hey expect us to tape a television show and also make a presentation for monday plus work on our stories for the website! Way too many things piled on top of one another. I am just focusing on one thing right now which is my big story on the ground breaking ceremony in brooklyn, I have so many connections in this its a rap. Well, I honestly think that we can win but there are too many steps to go through to hand something in. I have so many things to hand it but the process is being delayed. I have been working all morining but I have to do a whole lot more stuff. I am so hungry right now I have not stopped today to eat or anything.
posted by Rich @ 8/03/2006 01:20:00 PM
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Blog of the day from Team Shuffle
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I am going to say it for the last time, it is HOTT! outside. It is 100 degrees today. Did i tell you it was hot? O yea my bad Sorry. I almost did not make it to HarlemLIVE today. But i had to think about my team and not myself so i took the coolest way to HarlemLIVE and got here in about 8 minutes. I was only hot on about 2 blocks because they didnt have any shade or trees at all. They should make it a law to have some form of shade on every block once it hit 90 degrees. I'm serious. This is'nt a joke. Then i had to go outside to pass out flyers. That was the funny part of my day. Well i had a couple of laughs. As i walked wit my friend we handed flyers to a couple of people but its was funny because i think they only took it to fan themselves. LOL Then on the way back to HarlemLIVE a boy was handing out flyers to a Talent Search so we told him that we'll trade. So we gave him ours and he gave us his. That was a pretty fair trade. Overall, this day was iight besides the sorching heat. Well thats all i had to tell yall. I'll holla. P.S Did i tell yall it was HOTT!!! today LOL
posted by Rich @ 8/02/2006 01:48:00 PM
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Blog of the day from Team Joc
Today I took a class on Podcasting and GarageBand so I learned two really cool and beneficial skills. Tomorrow I'm taking a Keynote class and Chris said I get my first video class on Thursday. *Big Smiles* I'm still working on my career profile. We had a rough spot and everyone thought we were giving up but we are going to try and pull it together enough to make it work. We just got the topic for Monday’s presentation and were getting started on planning out how we are going to present our ideas. Um I got this event I wanna cover on the third and a possible person to interview for my profile but that’s it for now so until next time.
posted by Rich @ 8/02/2006 01:47:00 PM
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Blog of the day from Team Anonymous
This is Tyrell. Today was a somewhat good day. we got the points for today, and we are still in the lead. I pretty happy that we've had this streak. Hopefully we can keep up th pace and win this contest. I know we have what it takes to do this, since I believe my team will pull through and win. This is a test for all of us, especially for me. This is the frst time that I am the leader of a team and I want to see if I can control a team and accomplish our goals. This is why it is so important for me to win.
posted by Rich @ 8/02/2006 01:46:00 PM
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Blog of the Day from Team Joc
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Today was presentation and it went pretty bad. Speaking for myself, I felt let down big time by many members on my team. It's weird to look at people speaking about a change, but has no work to show for it. I will admit to not fully participating in presentation today, but I didn't feel like a group today. I felt like people doing seperate things that just were not united. This week major change has to occur with people who are simply not doing there work. I think we should try to learn from today because I felt this was the lowest our team has ever hit. I will continue to do my part, but I really want to see others do the same. I also think people should be aware of how they speak to others because it creates a bad vibe when trying to get things done. Team Joc! I hope we can still do this tho!!!
posted by Rich @ 8/01/2006 01:01:00 AM
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