Thursday, December 22, 2005
YES, I'm In HERE.After weeks of hearing, "Kevin you still haven't posted, I'm finally here.
It's not neccesarily my fault, blogging takes a while and I had/have so much to do. It's hard enough trying to get all the newbies in gear but I also had to work on Parle, which had to come out one more time before the year was over. And believe it or not i am in school full time. Yes really.
Parle is finally out though, the sex issue with Remy on the cover. I do owe the printing company $300 so that will cost you $1 from now on.
And school is over, but I have two finals which have been pushed back to next wednesday because of this strike.
So its HarlemLIVE for the next few months.
Although the strike has really postponed progress theres a lot that i want to get done in the next few weeks.
On Monday i wanted to do a day out for a sports event. As fun as it sounds it might not happen because of this strike. Tuesday was supposed to be the last open mic with some networking involved.
Next week Friday is supposed to be the HarlemLIVE Holiday Get Together but even that is being threatened by this strike.
I left my laptop at HL so i cant get much work done. i hate sitting idle in front of my pc. I wasn't able to get HL's last minute Christmas Shoppers Guide to shopping, online either and byt the time i get to it, it will be too late.
This has just been a disappointing week in so many ways.
I need to head out, i cant sit in this house for much longer. Maybe I'll dollar van it out of here. Hopefully these trains get back on track. I cant take this shit.
posted by Anonymous @ 12/22/2005 11:57:00 AM
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I’m still sort of skeptical as to what my man on the Street topic should be. I’m thinking of asking about the upcoming MTA strike. Hopefully, I’ll be getting some strong responses. Everyone who works at the MTA are asses, except for the operator who works at my home station (at least he waves at me and smiles when he sees me.) I feel MTA workers don’t have the right to strike for anything because they do a damn thing except ride the trains, make delays on purpose meanwhile wasting people’s time and money, and complain about people keeping the train doors open meanwhile talking about how we’re the reason why they’re making delays. On the other hand, I’m hoping this strike will prevent me from going to school since I haven’t even started on my research project for French class. Anyways, like I said, MTA workers are such asses. But I’m not all too excited about this Man on the Street thing. The last thing I wanna do is freeze my ass off while working. Plus, I hate walking up to people and asking them questions, since most of them just shove me off like I’m a Jehovah’s Witness passing out Watch Tower pamphlets. And most of the people don’t even want me to take their picture, so after all of that questioning and jotting down, I’m back to square one. When I’m at HL, I feel like I don’t do as much as I’ve done in the summer because I feel like I’ve gotten too comfortable. It’s like when a newlywed gets too comfortable into the marriage and starts slacking off. The worst part is when people begin to notice. When you’ve been around for a while and when new people arrive they crave off of that novelty and become as active as I used to be. What I’m gonna do about it, I have no idea. I really don’t know, I think it’s because of the Christmas/Winter season; it’s gotten so cold I just wanna sit still and get warm (if that’s possible.) Plus, I’m internally excited about the upcoming Christmas break, so these last few weeks are becoming a drag for me. Hopefully, the new year will get me going. I haven’t even been at HL these past two days, but I’m definitely coming on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday working on my Man on the Street. - Written by Iyana , posted by Rich
posted by Rich @ 12/15/2005 07:51:00 AM
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Thursday, December 08, 2005
We seem to be getting some momentum, many new recruits. Need to call Mr Greez at Bronx Science again and Shem to arrange anohter visit. I'm also excited about going to Baruch on Friday for the HS Journalism Conference. But i need to get a 'team' together to go. Will have to hit up folks tomorrow. Need to get up early. Then see Mara in Bklyn for lunch.
SOOO much to do. Finally got some work tomorrow night, so tomorrow will be a long ass day again.
Already have to think of ideas for the next newsletter. We were/I was mad late getting this last one out. Next one is due in January. It never ends!
All the newbies need to be posting their blogs... Hopefully the new stories will be going up soon. Our site's been pretty stagnant this fall.
posted by Rich @ 12/08/2005 12:09:00 AM
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My First MOS
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
This week, I have to do a Man-on-the-Street, which is a topic that I wrote on my profile that I do not want to do, but whatever. I’m planning on questioning people about the new MTA rules but I think I should try another topic since it’s old news and no one really cares about the new rules, simply because of the reason why I chose to ask about them, because they’re pointless and stupid. Plus, I saw on the news that the MTA was going to put up posters about the new rules in all the trains so no one will come up with an excuse and say that they didn’t know about them. The fact that it’s been two days and I haven’t seen any posters about the rules implies that not even the MTA is taking these new rules seriously. I’m sure the cops aren’t gonna take these rules seriously. What cop is going to check every train to give out 25-dollar and hundred-dollar fines because someone is switching train cars or someone put their bookbag on top of the seat next to them. Otherwise, these cops’ll be busy all day and night and everyone will be paying fines left and right. Cops don’t wanna do any real work, who does? I see them sitting in their little booth in the York Street train station and just yapping their gums. The most I’ve seen them do is walk up to me and tell me to pick up the tissue that I “dropped” on the floor. I picked it up, but I threw it right back on the ground where I “dropped” it when he turned his back. If anything, the MTA should try adding more benches and garbage bins so they can stop complaining about littering causing fires in the tacks and delays and they won’t hear us complain about standing around for ten minutes waiting for the trains instead of stressing about some stupid spit-on-the-sidewalk rules.
posted by Rich @ 12/06/2005 11:13:00 PM
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Friday, December 02, 2005

Lately I've been down, angry, and full of tears...
Well my work at HL is progressive yet slow at the same time as usual. Recently I sent out a budget amendment for our 4000 with DYCD. I also did some other stuff but nothing too remarkable. Currently I'm wokring on writing a restaurant review for Society. It's a new cafe on 114th and 8th Ave. Everyone should check it out. I think it's really great. Maybe a little on the expensive side though. This is my first restaurant review ever. i hope it turns out well. As is, I'm late on getting it up on the site though. Other than that I'm also working on the AUDELCO story. That's also late. Here's the scoop though: The award ceremony was horrible. I don't know who's fault it was but they need to do much better considering they sold tickets for 100$. All I could do was sit there and think "Thank god I didn't pay one red cent to be here." Well, laters, I have to get back do things more productive.
posted by Mimi89 @ 12/02/2005 05:39:00 PM
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