Posted by Kennequa
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/30/2008 05:05:00 PM
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Sunday, March 30, 2008 ![]() I had interviewed somebody that works at Life beat today; it's a nonprofit organization that brings awareness about HIV and Aids through the music industry. It was a nice short interview, I learned a lot about their program. Their located between 44Th and 45Th and 9Th avenue building 630. They give concerts for people with HIV and full blown AIDS. They have tours targeting people ages 13 to 24, giving them condoms and informing them about HIV and AIDS. Also, informing them how to prevent themselves from getting the infection. Lifebeat also have other programs; check out the website Lifebeat.org, as young adults especially we need to learn about this infection. HIV and AIDS is a very serious issue so don't be scared be aware!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Posted by Kennequa
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/30/2008 05:05:00 PM
![]() I don't think one American can honestly and confidently say what is our true reason for beginning the war in Iraq? For all what has been told, we could be fighting for the removal of weapons of mass destruction, oil, removal of Saddam Hussein from power, etc. But could any of these reasons justify the killing of our people, the killing of human life in general. In a democratic republic we have the ability to voice our opinions and make a difference for what the majority may think is better. But as clear as many of Americans have opinionated about their feelings towards the war, we continue to fight and people continue to die. In my opinion, I do not believe it is necessary for us to be in war. I do not think there is no possible and justified reason for the right of people to kill people. I believe though as a world power we should take an active role in the global community but I do not believe we should barge our way into another country a boss people around. Since the beginning of our history, our early presidents promoted the idea of neutrality but as the years went on we have lost our foundation of what made our country unique and true and came up with a mutant US. Our freedom is restricted, our economy is regulated despite laissez faire, we choose sides amongst countries, etc. Though presently Americans do benefit from our new policies, does it really protect us? Protesters are arrested for the out spoken opinions but should that stop us from voicing our opinion. In Iraq, soldiers are not the only ones dying. Insurgents, men, women, children, the spirit and the history of Iraq are also dying. A life could not be measured by a number or a percentage. Yet we refer to these people as just a number or like a bug and it doesn't matter that they died. But as soon as a soldier died we hold up our hands and scream for their lives. We honor them with the same bullets that have killed them. We fight and fight to remember their lives and make sure they are not forgotten. But who will cry and fight for those stricken by war? They didn't ask for war, we inflicted it. Why not give peace a chance? Lives are not lost by peace. War kills. Peace saves. Posted by Jenny
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/30/2008 04:58:00 PM
Today our first class was taught by Katie, and she works as a copy editor at the New York Times. Today we learned about the basics of Journalism and what different type of News stories there are which are:
Breaking News stories: Current events Investigated stories: Take a lot of time, and you have to do a lot of research about a certain topic. Feature Stories: Consumer News stories: Stories about what you buy and how it affects your life Also when you are going to do an interview you should make sure to make some research about who you are interviewing before the day of your interview so you could be prepared and know to ask questions that are on a harder level scale. Make sure to answer the 5 W's too. I can apply what I learned in my future stories. It would help me be more prepared for writing and interviewing people. For the future class I think we should make an activity that will get us more involved with the class. Like for example: pick a topic and each person has to write a sentence about what they know and try to make sense of it with the collaboration of everybody. She gave us this advise too “Good writing comes from good reporting." Posted by Mabel
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/30/2008 04:52:00 PM
![]() Hey, it took me a while to post this, but I've been so tired lately. On Thursday, Nana, Nyeisha, Sely, Emily, and I went to Nick News. Nana, Nyeisha, and I were interviewed about the topics that have been the most talked about lately: the Iraq War, the economy, health care, terrorism, the environment, and immigration. There was a van that picked us up from HL and drove us down to Lucky Duck Productions. In the van, we talked about what we were most comfortable talking about on camera. When we got there, everyone was super nice, and we got sodas (to eat with our pizza,) from a really cool, vintage soda machine. Nyeisha was the first to go. The woman who interviewed her said she did a great job, and said that I was up next. I was really nervous at first, but I knew I would be happy I did it after it was done. They ran a microphone through my shirt, and put powder on my face (real star treatment : ) JKJK) And then the interviewer started asking me questions. I talked about the war in Iraq, terrorism, and immigration. I think we all did pretty well, so hopefully they don't edit us out :) The Nick News that we did is coming on April 13th, I'm not sure what time, but check it out! It was such a good experience, and opportunity to be able to talk about my opinions, and hopefully make a difference. Hopefully, this will just be the beginning of opportunities like this for HL. I am so grateful to have been chosen, good thing I made the age limit. Usually, I don't like speaking in public, or being on camera, but I think I'm getting a lot better at it. P.S. I'm sorry I couldn't come to the staff meeting. Posted by _dyeemah
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/30/2008 04:47:00 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008 Well today's experience was very different from my first experience going out to approach a POS (person on the street). My first time when I went to approach a POS I was kind of nervous. Many people turned us down, which made me a bit frustrated because it was very cold outside. But we were able to get a few people that had no problem with us interviewing them and video taping them. The people that we interviewed had so much interesting things to say about the issue with ex-governor Spitzer and the scandal. This gives me practice to see how I should approach an interview with a POS and how to deal with rejection and people that are immature. As for my second experience, I actually did something. We went to a rally for charter schools. The reporters didn't get much about what was going on, but I did get some pictures. At the end of this post I will put two pictures up showing what I got. So as for me being here at HarlemLive, I really like it. I don't feel uncomfortable and nobody makes me feel that way either. Well I'm done for now. Pristine signing out!
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/26/2008 09:36:00 PM
Today was a very good day because i was not tired, and that only happens once in a blue moon. Plus today was the last day of school Thank God!!!. At HL we had are photography class like every Thursday with Shem and we learned how to use some of the tools in Photoshop. It's amazing all the things you can do in Photoshop. You could make extreme makeovers :) pretty cool i think!. After our class some of the girls and i went to cover a last minute story in 120th and Lenox Ave. It was about a rally for Charter Schools. In case you did not know Charter Schools are smaller schools outside the Border of Education. They get some money from the state and others funds from private organizations. These schools are brand new, and start with Kindergarten and first grade and then start adding more grades. Their main goal is to install the idea of going to college to younger children since they are about 4 to 5 years old. It's a good thing because the next generations would be more prepared and better educated. It's Easter weekend so i hope all of you have fun, relax and sleep. Happy Easter !!! :)
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/26/2008 09:33:00 PM
Fur has been considered royal wear since pre-historic times . Every one from Queen Elizabeth the first to princess Diana have worn fur. Somewhere in the process of the fur attire era it came over to N,YC. I have to be honest going uptown from 42th fur isn't even spoken of. So why is it that people wear fur in the first place? . Is it to feel like a rich madmoselle or an old hollywood star;Wearing fur is something I will never understand .No I am not the type to take away a persons individuality . If you like it feel free to wear it just know that it looks like you killed your pet an a wearing it on your back.
posted by TeGaZsaZsa @ 3/26/2008 09:00:00 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008 ![]() OK! After a long dormancy, HL is about to wake from its slumber. After a year of being mentored, Associate Director, Melvin Johnson and the Director of Operations, Gisely Colon-Lopez, are ready to rev the program up to a more fevered pitch. Within the next week or so, we'll be launching the new interface. We're moving our site to a new server which gives us more ways to manipulate the content. We've already established more classes, many new students, new roles. It's time. Stay tuned. Photo shows students getting ready to cover about NY Governor's Resignation
posted by Rich @ 3/12/2008 04:45:00 PM