This is Seshat, and well, I think we could be better. I think that we're making progress as a team, so we're working on that. I think Terell's idea for tomorrow is a great one, and it should get us started and getting better. One thing that I think that we as a team should do is promote teamsmanship and sportsmanship among ourselves as well as with other teams. We need to maintain good relations with each other, not just because we're going to have to work with each other after this, but because it would be good if we could be at least on a speaking basis with each other after this. I said this before, so now I'm just venting, so ignore me if you wish. Rude people annoy me, and make me very very angry.
On a lighter note, the sky is blue, the birds are chirping, Diesel is getting considerably more attention and love and care, and all, for now, at 9:17 PM is at peace at HarlemLIVE . . . hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAH yeah right! woo, I needed a laugh. Okay, that was priceless . . . . I crack myself up.
And now, i shall exit, with the dull roar of reggaeton blaring in my ear, and amicable relations are present . . . .where you can almost forget that this is a competition and bask in the contentment and familial feel that are present . . . . the essence of HarlemLIVE.
posted by Rich @ 7/17/2006 09:38:00 PM

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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