Everyone should be checking the calendar that Mera set up. It's at www.my.calendars.com/harlemlive. Everyone should know the user name and password. Please check it daily, even multiple times each day as we're costantly updating it with stories, meetings, visitors etc.
Additionally, there should be a story sheet for each and every story, be it poem, article, man on the street, video, whatever so anyone at anytime can see what we're currently working on or know what's ready to be posted.
We're very behind in putting up much content, including the Health page, the Clickable Map, the slideshows, we need to get our groove back!!!
To that end, we have some promising developments including working with the columbia journalism school students, we got some money to hire a grantwriter, and we are on our way to establishing more relationships with different schools.
Well this isn't such a great post but it's a start. Iyana and Keisean still have yet to put theirs up
posted by Rich @ 11/09/2005 06:52:00 PM
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